Actionable Data That Your Business Can React To
Author: TJ Dailey | Premium Logic | NetVU Silver Partner | Posted 10/5/2021

You hear it daily: “Without data, you can’t compete in today’s business climate.”  In the beginning, our opinions were counter to that.  We believed that with a strong sales team and a world-class culture, we could grow exponentially, despite our lack of data insights, and we did grow, or we thought we did, until we realized what we were missing.

Premium Logic was born on the back of an agency that had doubled in revenue over the prior three years and that was continuing to grow while entirely blind to the true potential they had.

Enter a new COO, fresh from a decade in the data sector, as one of the youngest Directors in company history at a Fortune 100 carrier.  Used to beautiful, meaningful, actionable visualizations, they were surprised to find nothing of the sort.  The data was there, captured thoroughly by the AMS360 platform, but that data was only as good as the data going in and the analysts curating it on the way out.

This situation prompted the team to begin having stakeholder conversations, exploring existing platforms, and dreaming up their visualizations.  Finally, after 18 months, the first version of Portal One, Premium Logic’s agency platform, was released.

During the discovery and execution phase, they focused on a few differentiators that truly set Portal One apart from others in the industry:

  • Affordability – We constantly aim to deliver the most competitive prices in our industry and currently provide a 4 to 1 ROI to most clients in year 1.
  • Custom Visualizations - Your business is unique, and you probably manage it differently than the next.  We work with you to ensure that you see your data in a way that impacts how you run your business.
  • Data Consultation – Bad data in equals insufficient data out.  We bring industry best practices from our client base to help you curate your data in a way that will provide the best possible output.
  • Platform Compatibility – Built on Microsoft PowerBI, we offer a seamlessly integrated solution for existing Office365 users. We are allowing you to use your existing login and reach our platform via a single click.

Since the version 1 launch of Portal One, much has transpired.  Some of those customer highlights include:

  • $40,000 was saved by exploring, identifying, and balancing actual employee workload, which resulted in efficiency gains without team expansion.
  • 40+ hour monthly reduction in data prep – Portal One’s visualizations have saved one partner more than 5 days a month spent creating insights for the executive team.
  • $40,000 saved via revenue band exploration – Using our custom revenue band visualization, one customer quickly recognized that they were losing money servicing accounts that generated less than $100 in yearly revenue.  Shifting these accounts to a different servicing model is saving them more than $40,000 a year.
  • Identifying industry exposure during COVID
  • Managing remote working teams during COVID

2020 and 2021 have been exciting years for Premium Logic.  We continue to refine and deliver insights gathered from real agency customers.  We are a company formed by agency owners for agency owners, and we look forward to helping you become one of our many success stories.

Check out our on demand Feel Good Friday: Overcome Fear of Data.