Welcome to NetVU, the Network of Vertafore Users!

As a Vertafore product user, your membership is automatic. We can’t wait for you to take advantage of all the benefits!  NetVU membership gives Vertafore users the ability to network and share ideas with member firms and their staff, all using Vertafore technology products.

Membership at NetVU

The first step to participation is to sign up for an upcoming Member Orientation, you can also watch the latest recorded session.

Engage your Membership Today! Your entire team will want to stay plugged in to NetVU to receive important updates. Take a moment now to verify your profile is accurate by signing in to and clicking My Account.

NetVU Communications

To keep you informed of the benefits of your automatic membership you have been added to the NetVU database and subscribed to mailings.  You will benefit from email updates from NetVU sharing how to make the most of your membership in NetVU.

What to expect from NetVU Communications:
NetVU (NCOM) Community Digests  You're automatically subscribed to the General Discussion Hub’s Daily Digest. To update NCOM Communications, visit NCOM, go to Profile, My Account, and Email Preferences. Please note that this is a separate subscription from our other promotional emails listed below.  Note this is a separate subscription from NetVU's promotional emails listed below.

News & AnnouncementsStay informed with NetVU Newsflash for monthly industry news and NetVU Education Monthly for tailored educational opportunities.

Partner Announcements - NetVU relies on the support of our partners to provide amazing member benefits.  Please consider supporting NetVU partners.

You can easily manage your email preferences to take control of your inbox.  NOTE:  NCOM digests are a separate subscription.
1. Visit
2. Click on your name at the top right corner after logging in.
3. Navigate to communication and check the boxes next to the communications you would like to be excluded from.

If you need assistance logging in or updating your preferences, please contact us at [email protected].

Often we hear from members that they are not receiving our emails. For many, solving the issue is as easy as making sure your organization's message filters are ‘open’ to receiving our messages. You can work with your IT department to add the IP addresses we use to send communications. For more information, download our Allowlist Help Page.

New Vertafore Users

Congratulations on your decision to purchase a Vertafore solution.

NetVU understands automation is one of the largest investments your agency will ever make. Our goal is to help protect your investment and to guarantee the future of the independent agency system. Get the most out of your new system, and get connected with the people who can show you how to discover the resources available to you: 

Register with NetVU and enjoy the numerous benefits we offer our members. Have questions? You can email or call us at 800.456.7799.
