How to Handle a Decline in Employee Performance
Total CSR| Posted: 8/3/2021

When a previously top-performing employee shows a decline in performance, there are a few steps you can take as an agency owner. Rather than turning a blind eye, which is damaging both to the employee who is struggling and the other employees in the agency who potentially must pick up the slack.

Instead, use these tips to address the issue and help both the agency and employee move forward in the best way possible.

Identify the Underlying Issue:
Many of us are struggling these days with the transition of working from home or the stress of the current pandemic, economic upheaval, and social climate. It is no wonder that employee performance may be declining across the board. Most employees don’t wake up one day and make a conscious decision that they are going to stop giving their best effort at work. Rather than assuming what the issue is, however, you should try to uncover the underlying issue with your employee.

Approach the conversation sensitively and with empathy, and make sure you’re able to explain where you are noticing performance issues.  Ask if there is an issue impacting their work and give them space to explain without judgment.   Be sure to respect their right to privacy and confidentiality.  If an employee feels their privacy is at risk, they will be less trusting of you and less likely to open up about the problems impacting their work.

Outline an Improvement Plan and Set a Timeline:
You’ll want to provide the employee with specific feedback where performance is suffering.  Share specific details regarding tasks or processes where quality is declining.  This information will allow the employee to fully understand and assess how to approach the problem.

While it may feel more comfortable to hand the employee a solution, this should be a collaborative effort.  Take time to discuss what steps are needed to improve the work and a timeline for resolving the problems.  This collaboration allows the employee to take ownership of the problems. 

As part of the improvement process, make sure you have scheduled checkpoints. Documenting these check-ins keeps everyone accountable for the agreed upon process and eliminates surprises down the road.

Know When it’s Time to Move On:
While it would be great if all performance improvement discussions resolved the issue every time, there is a chance that the employee will not follow through.  It can be challenging to let an employee go who is struggling, but sometimes it is necessary.

When it comes to releasing an employee, it’s essential to approach the situation with compassion.  Even if performance has continued to decline, it is healthier to be empathetic.
Addressing performance problems with a struggling employee is never easy, but necessary to help the employee and agency move forward in a better direction.  Using these tips, you can approach and manage tough conversations with more ease and fluidity.

Total CSR’s new system, launched in February 2021, can help you to fill vacant positions should you find yourself in this situation. Our expanded suite of hiring tools, assessments, and training courses is the only platform of its kind in the insurance space.

If you are looking for a complete hiring, training, and development service for your agency, schedule a free, 30-minute demo with a team member at Total CSR today!